Several different plans available. I will make everything I can for free. The subscriptions will be for weekly meetings with me where I can help others in a group setting to research better here in the rapidly approaching future.

Whether that be legal, astrology, spiritual, etc., I’m sure we can help you find the answers that you are in search of. Truth when found can be a spiritual and moving time.


Basic Membership

All my info is free for the price of your email address. I need for some way to vet people as the establishment does not like sun light. This allows for weekly/monthly meeting with me based off the amount of subscribers.


Silver Coaching

Two (2) thirty (30) min sessions per month with me. I recommend books, articles, or cases to read to get that understanding level of the certain subject under research by the life student.

Gold Coaching

Four (4) thirty (30) min sessions per month with me. The whole kitten caboodle. I have been told I can ask some of the off the wall questions at the opportune time.